Clean energy technologies for our life

The global warming issue is getting up, the scientist and eco-friendly people really concern about this. As like so many factory that produce air or water polution that make everything worst.

But, nowadays the clean energy technologies has come. Over the past three decades, a significant reduction of the cost of solar products has occurred, without including environmental benefits; yet, solar power is still considered a relatively expensive technology. For small- and medium-scale uses, in some applications, such as passive solar design for homes, the initial cost of a home designed to use solar power is essentially no more than that of a regular home, and operating costs are much less.

The only difference is that the solar-energy home works with the Sun throughout the year and needs smaller mechanical systems for cooling and heating, while poorly designed homes fight the Sun and are iceboxes in the winter and ovens in the summer.
Industrial society and modern agriculture were founded on fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas). The world will make a gradual shift throughout the twenty-first century from burning fuels to tech-nologies that harness clean energy sources such as sun and wind.

As energy demand increases as developing countries modernize and fossil fuel supply constricts, increased fuel prices will force alternatives to be introduced. The cost of technologically driven approaches for clean energy will continue to fall and become more competitive.

Clean energy technologies will be the inexpensive solution for everyone

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