Local Companies Offer Better Service

Ten years ago, the average webpage contained 80 kb of data and took about 20 seconds to load on the dial-up modems of the day. Today, the average page contains more than 9 times that amount of data; has your internet connection kept up? While the phone and cable companies in and around Los Angeles county taut high speed internet at low prices, their claims and their offerings aren’t really that consistent. Many depend on internet infrastructure that is either underutilized – translating into high prices for the user – or overutilized, translating into slower internet service for you, the user.

Time is money. Why waste all day loading web pages or checking e-mail? Los Angeles high speed internet is more affordable than it has ever been and by using a local ISP you will garner significant benefits in terms of price, service, and speed. This is made possible by a small ISP’s unique position in the market.While the phone and cable companies need to cover the cost administering all of their local branch offices from a national office, a local company has just one level of business administration, allowing them to keep their selling, general, and administrative costs down. That translates into lower prices for users, since local ISPs are also able to leverage their significant bandwidth by signing up many users, allowing them to profit from the economies of scale that come with being a bandwidth owner and provider.

From a service perspective, Los Angeles high speed internet provided by a local service provider is going to be backed up by someone closer to you both geographically and empathetically — as local people providing for the community, a small company will really go out of its way to do whatever it takes to make you a happy customer, whereas a big company will only help you out to the extent that company training manuals allow for it.

Finally, smaller ISPs are able to better manage their bandwidth resources than large ISPs. Since large ISPs experience such tremendous fluctuations in bandwidth utilization over the course of a day, they require a much more complex systems to route users’ data over the internet, creating a number of ‘stops’ or ‘jumps’ that slow down your internet browsing. A smaller ISP receives large fluctuations as well, but is able to make smaller adjustments in routing to the internet in order to deliver much faster, ‘direct’ access to the internet than their larger competitors.

The internet has more to offer than ever before; has your connection to it kept up? Save time and save money on high speed internet or DSL by picking a local company; you’ll be glad you did.

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